.. _unmanaged_tenant: Create an unmanaged tenant -------------------------- In this guide, we will create a standalone tenant from scratch where jobs and pipelines are not managed by sfconfig. The tenant will be named *org-test*, its config *org-test-config* and its jobs *org-test-jobs*. Follow this guide as an admin user on the install server. Create a new config project ........................... The first step is to create a new project, add this file to the resources: .. code-block:: yaml # /root/config/resources/tenant-org-test.yaml --- resources: tenants: org-test: description: "The org-test tenant." url: "https://sftests.com/manage" default-connection: gerrit projects: org-test: tenant: org-test description: The org-test project source-repositories: - org-test-config: zuul/config-project: True - org-test-jobs - zuul-jobs: connection: gerrit # Using 'zuul/' prefix, we set zuul tenant config options. zuul/include: [job] # Shadow means that job definition in this project are # overridden by the org-test-jobs. zuul/shadow: org-test-jobs repos: org-test-config: description: The org-test config repository acl: org-test-acl org-test-jobs: description: The org-test jobs repository acl: org-test-acl acls: org-test-acl: file: | [access "refs/*"] read = group org-test-core owner = group org-test-ptl [access "refs/heads/*"] label-Code-Review = -2..+2 group org-test-core label-Code-Review = -2..+2 group org-test-ptl label-Verified = -2..+2 group org-test-ptl label-Workflow = -1..+1 group org-test-core label-Workflow = -1..+1 group org-test-ptl label-Workflow = -1..+0 group Registered Users abandon = group org-test-core submit = group org-test-ptl read = group org-test-core read = group Registered Users [access "refs/meta/config"] read = group org-test-core read = group Registered Users [receive] requireChangeId = true [submit] mergeContent = false action = fast forward only groups: - org-test-ptl - org-test-core groups: org-test-ptl: description: Team lead for the org-test tenant members: - admin@sftests.com org-test-core: description: Team core for the org-test tenant members: [] Edit the file: - Update *sftests.com* with the fqdn of your deployment. - Change zuul-jobs location if you used the upstream_zuul_jobs option. Check the /root/config/resources/_internal.yaml file for the zuul-jobs definition. - Update the org-test-ptl and org-test-core members lists accordingly. Then submit the file: .. code-block:: bash cd /root/config git add resources/tenant-org-test.yaml git commit -m "Add org-test tenant" git review # If zuul verified +1 the review, you can push git push After config-update succeed, the tenant is ready to be used. Access the org-test Zuul tenant ............................... On the local status page, you can switch tenant by clicking the "Tenant local" button on the top right. This links to https://sftests.com/zuul/tenants . Alternatively you can go directly to https://sftests.com/zuul/t/org-test/status . The next step is to configure the config project to add a pipeline and a base job. Tenant config repository initialization ....................................... To configure the tenant, clone its config project: .. code-block:: bash git clone https://sftests.com/r/org-test-config cd org-test-config mkdir -p zuul.d playbooks/base First you need to create a pipeline: .. code-block:: yaml # org-test-config/zuul.d/pipelines.yaml --- - pipeline: name: check description: | Newly uploaded patchsets enter this pipeline to receive an initial +/-1 Verified vote. manager: independent require: gerrit: open: True current-patchset: True trigger: gerrit: - event: patchset-created start: gerrit: verified: 0 success: gerrit: verified: 1 sqlreporter: failure: gerrit: verified: -1 sqlreporter: Then you need to create a default base job: .. code-block:: yaml # org-test-config/zuul.d/jobs.yaml --- - job: name: base parent: null description: The base job. pre-run: playbooks/base/pre.yaml post-run: playbooks/base/post.yaml roles: # Note: change zuul-jobs name when using the upstream_zuul_job option # Check /root/config/zuul.d/_jobs-base.yaml for the definition. - zuul: zuul-jobs timeout: 1800 attempts: 3 secrets: - site_sftests_logserver nodeset: nodes: # Note: change the default nodeset - name: container label: pod-centos-7 Then you need to create a secret for the log server from the install-server (the zuul_logserver_rsa private key is kept in /var/lib/software-factory): .. code-block:: bash curl -O https://git.zuul-ci.org/cgit/zuul/plain/tools/encrypt_secret.py python encrypt_secret.py --tenant org-test \ --infile /var/lib/software-factory/bootstrap-data/ssh_keys/zuul_logserver_rsa \ https://sftests.com/zuul/ org-test-config Copy the output to a zuul.d file: .. code-block:: yaml # org-test-config/zuul.d/secrets.yaml --- - secret: name: site_sftests_logserver data: fqdn: sftests.com path: /var/www/logs ssh_known_hosts: sftests.com ssh-rsa AAAAB3... # the stdout of ssh-keyscan sftests.com | grep ssh-rsa ssh_username: loguser ssh_private_key: !encrypted/pkcs1-oaep - k9eg8co3TWiAGB73SBnr6tGkm3jITIFFv8Vjm... ... ... - ... Note that you could use another private key and logserver location for this tenant. Finally create the base job playbook: .. code-block:: yaml # org-test-config/playbooks/base/pre.yaml --- - hosts: localhost tasks: - block: - import_role: name=emit-job-header - import_role: name=log-inventory vars: zuul_log_url: "https://sftests.com/logs" - hosts: all roles: - prepare-workspace # org-test-config/playbooks/base/post.yaml --- - hosts: localhost roles: - role: add-fileserver fileserver: "{{ site_sftests_logserver }}" - hosts: "{{ site_sftests_logserver.fqdn }}" gather_facts: false tasks: - block: - import_role: name=upload-logs vars: zuul_log_url: "https://sftests.com/logs" zuul_logserver_root: /var/www/logs Then submit the initial configuration: .. code-block:: bash git add playbooks/ zuul.d/ git commit -m "Initial configuration" git push git+ssh://sftests.com:29418/org-test-config master On the status page a new "check" pipeline is now configured, and there shouldn't be any config-errors indicated by a yellow bell on the top right. Validate the base job ..................... In the org-test-jobs project, create a first job: .. code-block:: bash git clone https://sftests.com/r/org-test-jobs cd org-test-jobs mkdir zuul.d Add a jobs.yaml file .. code-block:: yaml # org-test-jobs/zuul.d/jobs.yaml --- - job: name: org-codestyle parent: run-test-command vars: test_command: yamllint . Configure the job for the org-test-jobs project .. code-block:: yaml # org-test-jobs/zuul.d/project.yaml --- - project: check: jobs: - org-codestyle Submit the change and verify the job ran successfully: .. code-block:: bash git add zuul.d git commit -m "Add org-codestyle job" git review Once the base job and default jobs are working, proceed to the next steps. Finalize tenant creation ........................ - Add gate, post, release and other pipelines by adapting the definition from the local tenant: /root/config/zuul.d/_pipelines.yaml - Setup check and gate jobs for the org-test-config and org-test-jobs repository. - Define project-template and define the PTI, see: https://zuul-ci.org/docs/zuul/user/howtos/pti.html