.. _pages-user: Publish static web content ========================== Software Factory provides default Zuul jobs to build and publish static website content. A user can use them to publish websites on a Software Factory instance that will be publicly accessible on *http://.sftests.com/*. The following static content type are supported: * raw * Sphinx * Pelican Activate the build-pages job ---------------------------- The *build-pages* job is well suited to be triggered in the *check* pipeline. It builds the website source. The job fails if a processing error occurs. After a successful build, the built website is available in the *pages* directory on the log server. In *.zuul.yaml* add the following: .. code-block:: yaml - project: name: myproject check: jobs: - build-pages The *build-pages* job expects to find the source of the website at the root of the repository. If the source is contained in a specific directory then the var *scr_dir* must be updated. .. code-block:: yaml - project: name: myproject check: jobs: - build-pages: vars: src_dir: website Activate the build-and-publish-pages job ---------------------------------------- *build-and-publish-pages* is a base job that must be used as parent job in your custom publishing job. This custom job should be triggered by the *gate* or the *post* pipeline to build and then publish the website on the Software Factory gateway. The following code block give an example of the base job customization to define in a yaml file under the *config* repository *zuul.d/*. .. code-block:: yaml - job: name: myproject-build-and-publish-pages parent: build-and-publish-pages final: true vars: vhost_name: www-myproject allowed-projects: - myproject *vhost_name* is the name of the Apache Virtual Host and that means the website will be accessible at *http://www-myproject.sftests.com*. Furthermore, note that *final* set to *true* and *allowed-projects* set to the project name that will use that job are important options. Indeed it ensures that, only, *myproject* can use this publication's job. Once the custom job definition is merged, the project's *.zuul.yaml* can be updated to publish during the *gate* pipeline. .. code-block:: yaml - project: name: myproject check: jobs: - build-pages gate: jobs: - myproject-build-and-publish-pages As an alternative, the publication job can be configured in the *post* pipeline. .. code-block:: yaml - project: name: myproject check: jobs: - build-pages gate: jobs: - build-pages post: jobs: - myproject-build-and-publish-pages Then next commits merged on *myproject* will be built and published and accessible via the Virtual Host name. Hostname resolution ------------------- The Software Factory instance's domain DNS configuration must be configured with a wildcard for all subdomains to be redirected to the Software Factory gateway IP. If you run a Software Factory in a test environment you might not have a real DNS entry configured then you should setup your local resolver. For exemple adding in /etc/hosts: .. code-block:: bash echo " .sftests.com" | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts